International Women’s Day

On March 7th, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Tishk International University (TIU) hosted a special event in honour of International Women’s Day. Dr. Abdulsamad, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, addressed the audience, emphasizing the vital significance of gender equality and celebrating the remarkable women empowerment achieved particularly in the university campus. His words resonated with the attendees, highlighting the pivotal role that women play in society.

Following Dr. Abdulsamad’s inspiring speech, Dr. Esra Tariq, the Head of the Department, took the stage. She explained how Islamic teachings promote steady support for women, recognizing their immense contributions to families, communities, and beyond. Dr. Esra’s words served as a powerful reminder of the need to uplift and empower women in all spheres of life.

Dr. Rozhan Arif, the Dean of Student Representatives at the Faculty of Pharmacy, further emphasized the event’s theme. In her address, she acknowledged that while women rightfully take center stage, men also play a crucial role. She  expressed how men and women complement each other, forming a harmonious balance within communities.

The event concluded on a delightful note, with attendees coming together to share cake and drinks. This celebratory moment served as a poignant reminder that equality and respect are fundamental rights for all. The event highlighted the importance of gender equality and celebrating the power of women directly supported this goal, promoting equal rights and opportunities for all genders.