Faculty of Pharmacy Welcoming Ceremonies

To mark the start of the new academic year, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Tishk International University prepared lunch and breakfast events for faculty students of each grade. In each stage, students brought different food and dessert to share and enjoy time together. The series of events aimed to provide students and class advisors with an opportunity to get to know each other.

Group A second-grade students and staff members held a lunch activity in the education building’s cafeteria. Group B second-stage students also organised a lunch activity that was held on October 25th, 2022. Group C gathered in the university garden on November 6th, 2022. Third and fourth-grade students and staff members organised breakfast gatherings; Group 3B on November 23trd, 2022,
Group 3C on October 16th and Group 4B on October 19th, 2022.